Berklee College of Music, Class of 2017
MMUS in Music Production. Secretary of the Berklee Audio Engineering Society (AES) Chapter.
University of Hong Kong, Class of 2016
Bachelor of Arts, Majoring in Music & Minoring in Global Creative Industries.
Diocesan Boys' School, Class of 2012
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB). Consecutive World Championships (Male voices) of the World Choir Games. Principal Flute in Senior Orchestra & Senior
Band. Members of the Senior Boys' Choir & Senior Mixed Choir.
Martin LO, also known as Martin Lucy, is a London-based music producer/musician from Hong Kong. Lo is a classical-trained pianist, flutist, also a professional a cappela bass singer during his 4 years of living in Taiwan. His enthusiasm for music has given him a diverse range of experiences from being an orchestral and symphonic band player, a choral singer, an a cappella singer, a sound engineer & electronic music producer.
Music Awards
A Cappella
2019 Hakka Pop Music Festival (客家國際流行音樂節) Group Category 1st Runner up - Resonance Vocal Band
2018 TCMC A Cappella Competition (台灣盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽社會組) Gold Medal First Prize - THE LOFT
2018 Vocal Festival A Cappella Competition (第一屆桃園合唱藝術節阿卡貝拉大賽) First Prize - THE LOFT
2015 HKU Singing Contest – Song-Writing Semi-Finalist
2013 ICMA (大專聯校歌唱比賽) Finalist - STRINGERS A Cappella
2013 HKU Singing Contest Group Champion - STRINGERS A Cappella
2008, 2010, 2012 Musica Mundi World Ranked 39 in over 1000 choirs – Diocesan Boys’ Senior Choir
2008, 2010, 2012 Musica Mundi World Ranked 5 over 50 Children’s and Youth choirs – Diocesan Boys’ Senior Choir
2012 7th World Choir Games (Cincinnati) – Best Young Male Choir and World Champion Trophy
2011 International Johnnes Brahms Choir Festival and Competition (Germany) – Best Male Voice Champion & Category Winner – G2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices and Gold VII Diploma
2011 The Hong Kong Music Festival – Choir Slam in Senior Mixed Choir and Senior Boys’ Choir category
2010 6th World Choir Games (ShaoXing) – Best Young Male Choir and World Champion Trophy
2008 5th World Choir Games (Austra – Graz) – Best Young Male Choir and World Champion Trophy
Wind Band/ Orchestra
2011 The Hong Kong Music Festival – Instrumental Slam in Senior Orchestra and Senior Band category
2010 Interflow Inter-school Band Festival – DBS Senior Band, Champion in Secondary School Senior Category
I thoroughly enjoyed your creativity, innovative use of controllerism and sampling, and your bird eye view of the Ableton set. For all these reasons, I am awarding you 100% A+ for your final project.
My advice moving forward from here is to research and invest in all the vocal processing effects you can get your hands on! For one quick easy investment, maybe the Voice Live would be a good weapon of choice. I sense that your niche is in vocals with electronics, and the more you practice the more unstoppable you will become.
- Ben Cantil”